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Lodges | Holiday Parks in Gloucestershire

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We have 3 holiday parks featured in Gloucestershire. Each of the parks included here in Gloucestershire have holiday lodges or cabins available for holiday rentals. If you have a specific town in Gloucestershire you would like to go to then the menu on the left is the best way to narrow down your search.

Once you have found the holiday park in Gloucestershire that you are interested in you can use the 'View Accommodation' button to find out more about the accommodation available at the park. If you would like more information before booking 'Park Information' provides a wealth of information about the park including lots of pictures, reviews, full details and a map of the area.


Hoburne Cotswold - Cirencester

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Park Information

Set within Britain's largest water park, Hoburne Cotswold is a fantastic location for family holidays in the Cotswolds. Whether you're camping, staying in a comfortable holiday lodge or one of our range of quality static caravans - or using a touring caravan pitch - you'll love this Park's many attractions.

Take a pedalo out onto the main Hoburne lake, spend an afternoon fishing - or lie back and watch from our heated lakeside pool. You can even try cycling, horse-riding, sailing, windsurfing, waterskiing or kayaking nearby - or perhaps take a long, leisurely lakeside walk and then relax in the sauna.

After that, why not enjoy the entertainment in the Park's lounge? Or just watch the children be thoroughly entertained by Sammy Seahorse. Peace and quiet - the perfect tonic...



Fleet Close Park - Tewkesbury

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Park Information



Swans Meadow - Lechlade

No Accommodation Info
Park Information


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