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2 Holiday Parks in Northamptonshire

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We have 2 Northamptonshire holiday parks featured. Each of the parks included here in Northamptonshire have caravan accommodation, holiday lodges or cabins available for holiday rentals. If you have a specific town in Northamptonshire you would like to go to then the menu on the left is the best way to narrow down your search.

Once you have found the holiday park in Northamptonshire that you are interested in you can use the 'View Accommodation' button to find out more about the accommodation available at the park. If you would like more information before booking 'Park Information' provides a wealth of information about the park including lots of pictures, reviews, full details and a map of the area.


Cogenhoe Mill Holiday Park - Northampton

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Park Information

Situated in the heart of England, Cogenhoe Mill is conveniently accessible and is the ideal park to use as a base, to explore the many attractions in and around Northampton.

If you are looking for comfort, style and complete freedom to enjoy your leisure time, Cogenhoe Mill offers you the perfect choice. On site you will find a friendly pub, your very own local to meet up with new and old friends.

For cruiser and narrow boat owners, there are around 30 mooring facilities available on a quiet backwater at Cogenhoe Mill. Boat owners can enjoy the same facilities and benefits as holiday homeowners, with extensive marina services also additionally on offer at Billing Aquadrome.

Cogenhoe Mill is a much sought after location, plots become available on a limited basis, some with a waterside aspect. Cogenhoe Mill offers a rare opportunity for home from home living, in an idyllic, unspoilt and secluded location. The perfect choice for your dream holiday home.



Overstone Lakes Caravan Park - Sywell

No Accommodation Info
Park Information

01604 645255


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